CodeIgniter 4 (part1)


This is Tutorial CodeIgniter 4 for Beginner. 

This Framework PHP is popular used by programmer who is started develop web with framework. 

Requirement :

1.) (optional) Composer

2.) Xampp / Wamp / Laragon

3.) Git 

Install with Composer :

if you have composer already installed in your computer then you're install CI framework in your computer by typing this code in terminal or gitbash

$ ~ composer create-project codeigniter4/appstarter [name of your project]

[name of your project] example = project-ci

Wait for the installation finished then go to your project by typing

$ ~ cd [name of your project]

then test it by typing

$ ~ php spark serve

if it's run it will showing you this message

Next part we will learn how to create database with migration

                                                 part 2 >>


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